Information for Parents of Arrested Youth

handcuffsWhen a youth is arrested in Lee County he or she may be transported by a law enforcement officer to the Juvenile Booking Facility.  The Juvenile Booking facility is attached to both the Juvenile Assessment Center, also called the “JAC,” and the Lee County Jail.

What happens when an arrested youth is at the Juvenile Booking Facility?

The arrested youth will be booked into the facility by Lee County Sheriff’s Office personnel.  While at the Juvenile Booking Facility an arrested youth will have his or her fingerprints, palm prints, and a booking photograph taken.  Arrested youth who are charged with a felony will also have a DNA sample taken.  The arrested youth will be screened by Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) personnel for any substance abuse or mental health issues.  The youth will also be screened for detention, which considers the seriousness of the crime and whether the youth has had any previous arrests.  Based on the youth’s detention screening score, he or she may be taken to secure detention, placed on home detention, or directly released to his or her parent or guardian from the Juvenile Assessment Center.

What is secure detention?

Secure detention is a jail-like facility that is used to hold youth who have been assessed as being a risk to public safety while they await court proceedings.  In Lee County, youth placed in secure detention go to the Southwest Florida Regional Detention Center at 2525 Ortiz Avenue in Fort Myers.  It is operated by the Department of Juvenile Justice.  Parents may call the detention center at (239) 332-6927 to find out about visiting hours.

What is home detention?

Youth placed on home detention are released to their parent or guardian.  Both the youth and the parents sign a home detention agreement which states the conditions which the youth is to follow.  This generally includes that the youth must attend school, abide by a curfew, and other requirements.

Picking up a youth from the Juvenile Assessment Center

parent entranceWhen a youth is to be directly released or placed on home detention, his or her parent or guardian is required to pick them up at the Juvenile Assessment Center at 2107 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. in Fort Myers.  Youth must be picked up within six hours after they arrive at the facility. Assessment Center staff must have the permission from the parent or guardian to release the youth to any other adult.  The parent or guardian will be asked to show a driver’s license or photo ID before their child can be released.  The youth and parent will be given information about the youth’s court date at the time he or she is released.

Frequently Asked Questions (Document provided courtesy of the Department of Juvenile Justice)

Important Phone Numbers

More information about the juvenile justice system in Lee County

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