Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC)

About Us

The Juvenile Assessment Center, or “JAC,” is a partnership between community agencies that assists “at-risk” and arrested youth and their families.

“At-Risk” Youth

Families with concerns about a youth who may be “at risk” for delinquency but has never been arrested may access assessment and referral services through the JAC. Lutheran Services of Florida provides prevention counseling on-site, including individual and family counseling.

Arrested Youth

When a youth is arrested in Lee County, the arresting officer brings the youth to the JAC. While at the JAC, assessment professionals interview the youth to determine their risk for reoffending and assess their need for services. The JAC assists in linking each youth and family to community resources to address the youth and family’s specific needs.

Arrested youth in Charlotte, Hendry, and Glades Counties eligible for secure detention are also booked at the JAC before being transported to the Southwest Florida Regional Detention Center.

General Information

The JAC serves as a resource for law enforcement, parents of arrested youth, parents of “at-risk” or non-arrested youth, community partners, and youth.

How does the JAC benefit law enforcement?

One of the goals of the JAC is to save time for law enforcement.  Prior to the JAC’s opening, law enforcement officers were responsible for supervising any arrested, non-detained youth until they could be transferred to the custody of their parent or guardian.  This sometimes took several hours.  The average time that a law enforcement officer now spends dropping off an arrested youth and getting back on the road is about ten minutes.

Why should law enforcement officers call 258-3461 or 258-3471 before bringing an arrested youth to the JAC?

For the process to work efficiently, the officer is requested to call ahead. This allows the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) screening staff to check for past records, begin the paperwork, and alert the officer of any other issues. If DJJ staff determine that the youth is on probation, they can alert the officer that Violation of Probation paperwork will also need to be completed.

How can the JAC assist law enforcement officers with its pre-delinquent services?

Law enforcement officers no longer have to tell families who request assistance, “We can’t do anything until your child breaks the law.”  Instead, they should direct families to contact the JAC at 258-3450. JAC staff will assist families in accessing the services they need.

What is the delinquency citation program?

The JAC’s delinquency citation program provides an alternative to arrest with timely interventions for youth who have committed minor crimes.  Youth meet with the Delinquency Citation Coordinator within one week of receiving a citation.  Youth are typically assigned community service hours and/or a service learning project as a consequence of their offense.  For more information about the Delinquency Citation Program go to Frequently Asked Questions About Using Delinquency Citation.

How can the JAC assist law enforcement in working with delinquent youth?

JAC staff attend daily detention hearings and track youth who are placed on “Home Detention.”  Upon request, law enforcement officers are placed on an email distribution list to receive the daily Home Detention List.  Call the JAC at (239) 258-3450 for more information.

For more information see our Publications tab.

When a youth is arrested in Lee County he or she may be transported by a law enforcement officer to the Juvenile Booking Facility.  The Juvenile Booking facility is attached to the Juvenile Assessment Center, also called the “JAC,” and the Lee County Jail.

What happens when an arrested youth is at the Juvenile Booking Facility?

Lee County Sheriff’s Office personnel will book the arrested youth into the facility.  While at the Juvenile Booking Facility an arrested youth will have his or her fingerprints, palm prints, and a booking photograph taken.  Arrested youth charged with a felony will also have a DNA sample taken.  The arrested youth will be screened by Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) personnel for any substance abuse or mental health issues.  The youth will also be screened for detention, which considers the seriousness of the crime and whether the youth has had any previous arrests.  Based on the youth’s detention screening score, he or she may be taken to secure detention, placed on home detention, or directly released to his or her parent or guardian from the Juvenile Assessment Center.

What is secure detention?

Secure detention is a jail-like facility used to hold youth who have been assessed as a risk to public safety while they await court proceedings. In Lee County, youth placed in secure detention go to the Southwest Florida Regional Detention Center at 2525 Ortiz Avenue in Fort Myers. The center is operated by the Department of Juvenile Justice. Parents may call the detention center at (239) 332-6927 to find out about visiting hours.

What is home detention?

Youth placed on home detention are released to their parents or guardians. Both the youth and the parents sign a home detention agreement that states the conditions the youth is to follow. This generally includes attending school, abide by a curfew, and comply with other requirements.

Picking up a youth from the Juvenile Assessment Center

When a youth is to be directly released or placed on home detention, their parent or guardian must pick them up at the Juvenile Assessment Center at 2107 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. in Fort Myers.  Youth must be picked up within six hours after they arrive at the facility. Assessment Center staff must have the permission from the parent or guardian to release the youth to any other adult.  The parent or guardian will be asked to show a driver’s license or photo ID before their child can be released.  The youth and parent will be given information about the youth’s court date when he or she is released.

Frequently Asked Questions (Document provided courtesy of the Department of Juvenile Justice)

Important Phone Numbers

More information about the juvenile justice system in Lee County 

For more information see the Publications tab.

What is an “at risk” youth?
A youth who has never been arrested but may be engaging in risky behaviors is an “at risk” youth.  These risky behaviors may include skipping school, experimenting with drugs, running away from home, and/or uncontrollable behavior.  Youth who exhibit these behaviors are at high risk for being arrested and becoming involved in the juvenile delinquency system.

Frequently Asked Questions

My daughter is 13 years old and I can’t control her.  What can I do?

When you feel like you are in over your head with your child, inviting professionals to help is often the best direction parents can take.  Seek professional counseling for you and your child.  Take parenting classes.  Think of it as getting “coaching” as a parent.  Or talk with your church’s leaders.  A place to start in finding the services you need is at the Juvenile Assessment Center of Lee County.  Professional staff is available to assess your situation and needs.  They can guide you in finding the services in the community that can assist you.

My child has run away.  What should I do?  How should I report that my child has run away?

First check with your child’s friends, neighbors, relatives or anyone else you think that might know where he or she is.  Report that your child has run away or is missing to your local law enforcement agency as soon as you know they are missing.  Have the officer come to your home to take the report.  Provide recent photos of your child to the officer.  Once you have made the report to local law enforcement, you may also want to call the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Missing Children Information Clearinghouse (1-888-FL-MISSING) to report your child missing. This is a program that provides a centralized file to collect, store, and disseminate information on missing children in the state of Florida.  Other help lines are available at the National Runaway Switchboard (1-800-621-4000) and the Florida Network of Youth and Family Services Runaway Hotline (1-800-786-2929).  When your child is found or returns home, notify law enforcement and all others that have assisted you in your search.  Lutheran Services of Florida offers crisis counseling and family counseling for Lee County families of runaway children (278-5400).  They also provide the Oasis Youth Shelter, which in some cases, may be utilized as a temporary, safe residence for a youth while a family works toward resolving their problems (278-1030).

I think my son is using drugs.  What are the warning signs of teen substance abuse?  What can I do if I suspect my child is using drugs?

Warning signs of teen substance abuse can include:

Physical signs:
  Fatigue, repeated health complaints, red and glazed eyes, lingering cough.

Emotional signs: 
  Personality change, sudden mood changes, irritability, irresponsible behavior, low self esteem, depression, and a general lack of interest.

Family signs:
  Starting arguments, breaking rules, withdrawing from the family.

School signs:
 Decreased interest, negative attitude, drop in grades, many absences, truancy, and discipline problems.

Social signs: 
New friends who are less interested in standard home and school activities, poor judgment, problems with the law.

The above warning signs can also be signs of other problems. Parents are advised to consult a mental health/substance abuse professional for an evaluation if there is suspicion that your child has a substance abuse problem. SalusCare provides assessments and treatment for substance abuse issues. To find out about their services for youth, call 772-1211.  Also, free drug test kits are available to parents at the JAC.  Parents may wish to use a drug test to test their child if they suspect their child has been using drugs.  Read more about using a drug test kit as a prevention tool……..

My son is 16 years old and says he wants to become emancipated.  Is that possible?

A youth is emancipated or “free” from their parent’s control when they reach the age of 18, enter the military, marry, or have the circuit court declare that they are emancipated.  Once emancipated, they are treated as an adult and take on the responsibilities of an adult.  In order to have the circuit court declare a youth emancipated, they must be at least 16 years old, willing to live apart from their parents or guardians with their consent, and have a legal source of income to provide for their own support in a stable living environment.  The court must determine that emancipation is in the youth’s best interest.  Emancipation in the State of Florida is referred to as the “Removal of Disability of Non-Age.”  For more information on emancipation in Florida and the legal requirements involved, go to www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm and read Florida Statute 743.015.  Or, click on Emancipation to read the JAC’s brochure.

Check out the Publications tab for other information for parents.

Did you know that if you are caught doing something that is against the law that not knowing it was against the law is never an excuse?   Learn more at Know the Law: A Guide for Teens and Their Families.

Did you know that there are consequences to a juvenile arrest that can follow someone into adulthood?   Learn more about the Consequences of a Juvenile Arrest.

Information for Youth Who Have Been Arrested

What to Wear and What Not to Wear to Court

Writing a Letter of Apology

Answering Questions on a Job Application if You Have a Juvenile Criminal Record

Our Partners

The Juvenile Assessment Center of Lee County (or JAC) is a partnership between community agencies that assists both “at-risk” and arrested youth.  The JAC co-locates a variety of services which serves to streamline and to reduce duplication of services.

The community partners located at the JAC include:

Lee County Board of County Commissioners:
Provides the physical facility that houses the JAC service array.

Department of Juvenile Justice:
Screens arrested youth for detention and makes recommendations to the court.

Lutheran Services of Florida:
Provides screening/assessment for non-arrested youth, individual, and group counseling and parent groups.

Lee County Sheriff’s Office:
Provides management for the operation and coordination among the JAC partners.

In addition to partners physically located at the Juvenile Assessment Center, the JAC enjoys many partnerships with other agencies and organizations in the community.


Individual and family counseling is available to assist families in preventing youth from engaging in delinquent behavior.  There is no cost for the services.  For information and schedule, call (239) 278-5400.  These services are provided at the JAC through a partnership with Lutheran Services of Florida.

For some youth, patterns of not attending school may start as early as elementary and middle school.  The Truancy Intervention Program, or TIP, works with elementary and middle school youth with attendance problems to prevent them from becoming habitually truant.  Students identified by their school social worker as having chronic non-attendance and their parents or guardians are requested to attend a TIP conference at the JAC as a last opportunity to comply with Florida’s mandatory school attendance before legal action is initiated.  At the TIP conference the youth and parents are informed of the importance of school attendance, the seriousness of the legal sanctions for non-attendance, and school district policies.  The TIP committee also attempts to identify other factors involved and steer the family in the right direction to avoid judicial action.  Families are advised of other schooling choices and other community resources that may assist them.  TIP is operated in partnership with the Lee County School District and the Lee County Sheriff’s Office.

Delinquency citation provides an alternative to arrest with timely interventions for youth who have committed a minor crime.  Youth are typically assigned community services hours and/or a service learning project as a consequence of their offense.

MRT is provided at the JAC through a partnership with the Lee County Department of Human Services.  MRT is an evidence based, 12-step, cognitive behavioral intervention that seeks to reduce recidivism by increasing moral reasoning.  The MRT program at the JAC works primarily with first-time youth offenders who have committed a violent crime, such as, a misdemeanor battery or an aggravated battery.  Youth are approved for the program by the Office of the State Attorney.

Using Drug Test Kits as a Prevention Tool

It is hard to believe that one’s child could end up using drugs. Yet, a survey of Lee County youth showed that nearly 36% of middle school students and nearly 68% of high school students have used alcohol or an illicit drug at some time in their lifetime.  The average age when youth first try alcohol and marijuana is ages 11 and 12, respectively.  Although today’s youth are faced with many pressures from friends and today’s culture, parents still have the greatest influence in a youth’s life.  What you do and say as a parent matters.  It may feel awkward talking to your child about the risks of drugs and alcohol, but not talking to your child leaves them unprepared to deal with pressure from peers and other competing influences.  If the topic of the risks of drugs does not come up in day to day conversation, parents may need to initiate the discussion.

How can I use a drug test kit at home as a prevention tool?


Your child may have a good sense of your attitudes about illicit drug use, but if you have not clearly spelled out your expectations, you are missing an opportunity. Parents can use a drug test kit as a discussion tool to encourage two-way communication with their child about expectations and rules. Having a drug test kit at home helps to reinforce that your family believes that drug use is unacceptable. By discussing your expectations, you are sending a clear message that your child is accountable for his or her behavior.


Youth may be less likely to use drugs if they know their parents have a drug test kit because they know that the risk is greater that they will get caught.


Good parenting involves monitoring our children.  We trust our kids, but we also verify what they tell us.  We occasionally check in on them to confirm that they are where they say they are. We check in with other parents when a party or activity is being planned.   When a youth says they got good grades, we still check their report card.   Drug testing at home can be thought of as a report card that shows that a child is successfully saying “no” to drugs.


Having a drug test kit at home gives youth a believable excuse to say “no” if peers ask them to try drugs. The JAC provides free drug test kits to parents (while supplies last).  Just ask one of the JAC staff for a drug test kit.  The JAC is open 24 hours a day.

When a person under the age of 18 is charged with a crime in Florida, the case is usually handled in the Juvenile Justice System.  The Juvenile Justice System is different than the adult Criminal Justice System.  This guide was developed to assist parents of arrested youth and others who are interested in understanding how the judicial process typically works with arrested youth in Lee County.

Note: Traffic offenses are handled in Traffic Court, which is not the same as the Juvenile Court. Some youth may have both traffic charges and criminal charges, in which case, they will be involved in two separate court processes.

When a youth comes into contact with a law enforcement officer due to suspected illegal activity, the law enforcement officer gathers the facts and makes a decision on whether there is good reason to believe that the youth has committed a crime.  If the officer decides that there is enough evidence to show that the youth committed a crime, the officer may “take the youth into custody.”  When a youth is taken into custody, the law enforcement officer takes temporary physical control of the youth.   Typically the arrested youth is transported to the Juvenile Booking Facility which is attached to the Juvenile Assessment Center.

The arrested youth is booked into the Juvenile Booking Facility by Lee County Sheriff’s Office personnel.  While at the Juvenile Booking Facility an arrested youth will have his or her fingerprints, palm prints, and a booking photograph taken.  Arrested youth who are charged with a felony also have a DNA sample taken.  The arrested youth is screened by Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) personnel for any substance abuse or mental health issues.  The youth is also screened for detention, which considers the seriousness of the crime and whether the youth has had any previous arrests.  Based on the youth’s detention screening score, he or she may be taken to secure detention, placed on home detention, or directly released to his or her parent or guardian from the Juvenile Assessment Center.  Assessment Center staff advise the youth and the parents of the youth’s court date.

Secure detention is a jail-like facility that is used to hold youth who have been assessed as being a risk to public safety while they await court proceedings.  In Lee County, youth placed in secure detention go to the Southwest Florida Regional Detention Center at 2525 Ortiz Avenue in Fort Myers.  It is operated by the Department of Juvenile Justice.

Youth placed on home detention are released to their parent or guardian.  Both the youth and the parents sign a home detention agreement which states the conditions which the youth is to follow.  This generally includes that the youth must attend school, abide by a curfew, and other requirements.

For some minor crimes, a law enforcement officer has the option to issue a delinquency citation instead of arresting the youth. The youth has to admit to the charge and must agree to participate in the delinquency citation program. If the youth agrees to participate in the delinquency citation program then he or she is not arrested. The youth meets with a Delinquency Citation Coordinator who assigns community service work hours, a service learning project, and or may require the youth to participate in other services. Once a youth completes his or her case plan he or she will have no arrest record and the case is closed.  If the youth does not successfully complete his/her case plan, he/she will be arrested and the case will go through the regular court process.  Youth who have been issued a delinquency citation should call (239) 258-3466 to schedule a meeting with the Delinquency Citation Coordinator within seven business days of receiving the delinquency citatio

After a youth is arrested, the State Attorney (sometimes called “the State”) receives a formal complaint from law enforcement about the case. An Assistant State Attorney reviews the facts of the case. The State determines what charges, if any, will be filed against the youth with the court. The State Attorney can decide to handle the case non-judicially (not going through the court process) or to handle the case judicially (to go through the court process).

Non-Judicial Handling of Cases

For some cases the State Attorney may decide not to file formal charges against the youth. Then a “no petition” is filed. The reasons for this decision may be that there is a lack of evidence, the victim desires to have the case dismissed, the State is not able to locate a witness, and/or there are other legal defects in the case.

Sometimes new evidence is discovered after the State has already filed formal charges.  Based on the new evidence, the State may decide not to prosecute the case.  This is called a “nolle prosequi” and is commonly know as “nol pros.”

If either a “no petition” or a “nol pros” is filed, the case is closed and does not go to court.

A court diversion program may be recommended for a youth who is charged with a first-time, nonviolent misdemeanor crime. The State Attorney’s Office decides whether or not to approve an arrested youth for a court diversion program.  Youth who successfully complete a court diversion program will have “adjudication withheld.”  This means that the charges will be dismissed and the youth will not have an adjudication on his or her record.  (Note: the youth will still have an arrest record with the arresting agency and with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.)

Each of Lee County’s post-arrest diversion programs work a little differently, but for all programs the youth must admit to the charge and agree to participate in the diversion program.  Youth who participate in diversion programs may be given assignments as part of their case plan, such as, performing community service, writing letters of apology, attending counseling or classes, and any number of other consequences related to the charge.  If a youth fails to complete his or her diversion case plan, the State Attorney will file a petition with the court formally charging the youth with the delinquent offense.  Youth who successfully complete a diversion program will have their charges dismissed and the youth will not have an adjudication on his or her court record.

Youth who successfully complete a court diversion program will still have an arrest record. Florida statutes allow for some criminal records to be expunged for youth who have successfully completed a court diversion program. The application for expungement must be submitted to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement no later than six months after completing the diversion program. Go to the FDLE website for more information on how to expunge a juvenile diversion record at www.fdle.state.fl.us/expunge.

Provides intensive services to youth at high risk of becoming a serious or chronic offender. Targets youth age 17 and under. Provided through Bay Area Youth Services.

Volunteer arbitrators hear cases and assign sanctions. Targets first time offenders for non-violent misdemeanor crimes. Provided through the Court Administration of the 20th Judicial Circuit.

Provides group format to re-educate youth socially, morally, and behaviorally. Targets first time youth offenders who have committed a violent crime such as misdemeanor battery or aggravated battery.

If a youth is found guilty of committing a delinquent act, he or she may be placed on probation. The youth continues to live at home while on probation and will be supervised by a Juvenile Probation Officer (JPO).   The youth may be ordered to do a number of things called “conditions of probation.”  Conditions of probation can include writing a letter of apology to the victim, abiding by a curfew, mandatory school attendance, counseling, and being tested for drugs.  Probation is not set for a specific time period.  Rather, once the youth has completed all of his or her sanctions and stays out of further trouble, the probation will be ended.

When youth do not follow the rules, do not complete their probation sanctions, or they obtain additional law violations, they may be issued a Violation of Probation.  This may result in an arrest and additional sanctions.  It can also result in a youth being committed to a residential program.

If a youth is found guilty, the judge may sentence the youth to a juvenile commitment program.  There are a range of commitment programs available.  Each program is designed according to the risk levels of the youth they serve.  The higher the risk level, the more security and supervision that is provided in the program to ensure the protection of the public.  The judge considers a youth’s risk to the community and service needs when committing a youth.  Low risk youth may be required to participate in a local day treatment program while continuing to live in their own home.  Youth considered a greater risk to he community may be sent to a residential commitment program somewhere else within the state.

Youth in commitment programs receive individualized treatment services.  However, some provide more specialized treatment, such as, substance abuse treatment and/or mental health treatment.  The length of time a youth stays in a program depends on the type of program and the youth’s performance in the program.  A youth’s release is based primarily on him/her completing his/her individual performance plan goals.

Once a youth completes a commitment program, he or she may be placed on Conditional Release or Post Commitment Probation.

Trained volunteer board members hear cases and develop a case plan for the youth to repair the harm caused by the crime. Provided by the Lee County Department of Human Services.

Provides assessment and group intervention for substance abuse related charges.  Provided by SalusCare.

Teen court cases are heard by a jury of youth peers. Targets first time offenders for non-violent misdemeanor crimes.  Provided by the Court Administration of the 20th Judicial Circuit.

After a youth is arrested, the State Attorney’s Office decides whether there is enough evidence to file formal charges. If so, a Delinquency Petition is filed with the court. A Delinquency Petition is a written document that describes the charges against the youth.

In very limited cases the State may decide to Direct File. Direct File cases are dealt with through the adult Criminal Justice System. The youth loses all benefits of the Juvenile Court and is treated in all respects like an adult. Youth who are subject to a direct filing are transferred from the juvenile detention facility and held in the county jail. This option is typically only utilized when a youth has a substantial criminal history, is considered dangerous, and the State has determined that the youth is not likely to be rehabilitated within the juvenile justice system.

All youth in juvenile court have a right to be represented by counsel (an attorney). Families that have the ability to hire private counsel are expected to retain an attorney at their own expense.  If the youth and his or her family cannot afford to hire an attorney, the court may appoint a public defender to represent the youth.  A youth may also decide to give up (or waive) his or her right to an attorney and to proceed on his/her own without the benefit of legal counsel.  However, the judge will determine if the youth is capable of understanding his or her decision to waive counsel.

The office of the Public Defender may provide an attorney to represent a youth in juvenile court only when it can be shown that hiring of private counsel would cause significant financial hardship for the family. To qualify for services of a Public Defender, parents must complete a Financial Affidavit form which shows their income and net worth. The judge decides if financial hardship will exist based on poverty guidelines. Persons receiving the services of a Public Defender are required by law to pay a $40.00 application fee. This fee is paid to the Lee County Clerk of Courts.  For more information about the fee or for assistance in filling out the form contact the Clerk’s office at (239) 533-1400.

When a youth is placed in secure detention or on home detention, their first visit to court will be for a detention hearing. A detention hearing must be held within 24 hours of the arrest. It is typically held on the morning following the arrest. Detention Hearings are held at the Lee County Justice Complex at 2075 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in Fort Myers in Courtroom A on the 6th floor. This is a hearing where a judge decides whether to release the youth from detention. If the judge decides to hold the youth in detention, he may hold the youth for up to 21 days. Under very limited circumstances the judge may hold a youth in detention up to 30 days. If the judge decides to release a youth from detention, he may determine what conditions are necessary to protect the victim and the community. For example, the judge can order the youth to have no contact with the victim or witnesses in the case.  For youth who are placed in detention due to a domestic violence charge, the judge may hold a detention hearing every 48 hours to determine if the victim(s) is(are) still in fear for their safety.  If a youth is released from secure detention during a court hearing, he/she will be transported back to the detention center.  Parents need to pick him or her up from the detention center located at 2525 Ortiz Avenue in Fort Myers.

Around three weeks after a youth is arrested, he or she is required to appear before a judge for an Arraignment Hearing. Juvenile court is held at the Lee County Justice Complex at 2075 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in Fort Myers in Courtroom A on the 6th floor. For youth who have not been placed in secure detention or on home detention, the Arraignment Hearing will be their first court date. This is a hearing before the judge when the youth is informed of the charges filed by the State. (The charges filed by the State may or may not be the same as the arrest charges.)   During the Arraignment Hearing either the youth or his or her attorney is asked to enter a plea of guilty, not guilty, or no contest to the charges.

Note: Youth who are approved for a court diversion program and have signed up for the program before the Arraignment Hearing may be notified that they are excused from attending court.

A plea of guilty means that the youth admits to the charges and is willing to accept the consequences of his or her behavior.  A plea of no contest means that the youth chooses not to fight the charges and agrees that the state can prove its case against him or her.  A plea of no contest has the same legal effect as a guilty peal.  Youth who plead guilty or no contest will be given a date for a Disposition Hearing (sentencing).  They will also be given an appointment to meet with a Juvenile Probation Officer (JPO) with the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) to discuss recommendations for sentencing.  DJJ will prepare a Pre-Disposition Report (PDR).  The PDR is a summary of the youth’s background, criminal history, the youth’s attitude about the offense, and family circumstances.  It includes a sentencing recommendation for the judge to review.  If the youth pleads not guilty an Adjudicatory Hearing (trial) is scheduled.

A youth may change a plea of not guilty at any time. A State Attorney and a Defense Attorney may discuss how to resolve a case without a trial. Victims may be consulted regarding any plea offer. Once the youth changes his or her plea to guilty or no contest, there is no trial and the case proceeds to disposition.

The Adjudicatory Hearing is similar to a trial in adult court and is often referred to as a “trial.”  In juvenile court there is no jury.  The judge hears the evidence and decides whether the youth is guilty or not guilty.  If the youth is found to be guilty, the judge may order the Department of Juvenile Justice to prepare a Pre-Disposition Report (PDR).

The Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) may recommend for some youth to receive an assessment. The judge can also order a youth to participate in an assessment.   Assessments assist DJJ and the judge in deciding on the most appropriate services for a youth.  If the youth is recommended to get an assessment, it is important to get the assessment done without delay so that the information from the assessment can be used in planning what services can best help the youth.  It is important for parents to attend the assessment with their child to provide information about their child to the assessor.   Assessments are done on a walk-in basis.  It is best to arrive early and sign in as the number of people who can be seen each day is limited.  Assessments are provided by SalusCare in three locations:

1105 Cultural Park Boulevard, Cape Coral
3763 Evans Avenue, Fort Myers
2789 Ortiz Avenue, Fort Myers

Youth who plead guilty or no contest and youth who plead not guilty, but have been found to by the judge to be guilty of a delinquent act, participate in a Disposition Hearing.  The Disposition Hearing is similar to a sentencing hearing in adult court.  The judge uses the Pre-Disposition Report (PDR) to help decide on the most appropriate services for the youth.  The judge may sentence a youth to probation, to a commitment program, or to other alternative juvenile services.

As part of their disposition or sentencing, youth and their parents may be ordered by the court to make restitution payments to victims who have suffered personal injury or property damage as a result of the youth’s delinquent acts.   If the amount of restitution has not been agreed upon during the Disposition Hearing, the youth may have a Restitution Hearing, at which time the judge will determine the amount owed.  The victim(s) and other witnesses may be present to give testimony to help decide the amount of restitution and a payment schedule.  Restitution orders that are not followed may result in a Contempt of Court charge against the youth and/or his or her parents or can result in a Violation of Probation and additional sanctions.

Youth may be placed on Post Commitment Probation while they transition back to the community after completing a commitment program. During this time they will be under the supervision of a Juvenile Probation Officer.

While on Conditional Release the youth may be required to participate in programs and services in the community and intensive case management supervision.  A youth on Conditional Release is still technically committed to the Department of Juvenile Justice and can be administratively returned to a residential commitment facility without a judge’s order for violation of the supervision.

AMIkids Southwest Florida(239) 765-9696
Delinquency Citation(239) 258-3466
Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) Program Office(239) 338-2493
DJJ Juvenile Assessment Center Office(239) 258-3461
DJJ Probation – Cape Coral Office(239) 772-6960
DJJ Probation – Central Fort Myers Office(239) 338-2541
DJJ Probation – South Fort Myers Office(239) 433-6710
Juvenile Diversion Alternative Program (JDAP)(239) 936-8666
Juvenile Arbitration (JA) / Teen Court(239) 533-7102
Juvenile Assessment Center of Lee County(239) 258-3450
Lee County Clerk of Courts – Juvenile Division(239) 533-1400
Moral Reconation Therapy Program (MRT)(239) 533-7947
Neighborhood Accountability Boards (NAB)(239) 533-7947
Public Defender’s Office(239) 335-2911
SalusCare(239) 772-1211
SalusCare Substance Abuse Diversion Program(239) 772-1211

Contact Us

Lee County, FL is located along the the Gulf of Mexico in Southwest Florida.  The Juvenile Assessment Center of Lee County is located in downtown Fort Myers, Florida next to the Lee County Jail and the Lee County Justice Center Complex.

Phone: (239) 258-3450

Fax: (239) 258-3474

Juvenile Assessment Center of Lee County
2107 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Fort Myers, FL 33901

From I-75 take the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd./Route 82 exit 138 west.  Go about 4 miles into downtown Fort Myers.  After crossing Monroe Street, the JAC is a half  block down on the right.

From Cleveland Avenue/Route 41 coming from the south, after passing Victoria Avenue, stay in the far right hand lane as the road approaches the Caloosahatchee Bridge.  Turn right at the first stoplight onto Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd./Route 82.  The JAC is on the left, just past Heitman Street.

From Route 41 coming from the north, after crossing the Caloosahatchee River take the first off ramp the furthest to the right.  The ramp exits onto 1st Street.  Go two blocks to Monroe Street.  Turn right on Monroe Street.  Go two blocks (counting on the right) to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.  Turn right.  The JAC is half of a block down on the right.

A paid public parking lot is available across the street from the JAC.  Enter the parking lot from Heitman Street.